Community task force
#participation The group leading community engagement in OpenHeritage
Changes at " Crowdfunding Seminar by Platoniq"
Title (English)
- + Crowdfunding Seminar for Labs by Platoniq
Title (Castellano)
Title (pt)
Title (de)
Title (fi)
Title (hu)
Title (Italiano)
Title (nl)
Title (pl)
Description (English)
Throughout the task force webinars labs have voiced an interest in learning more about crowdfunding. So during this workshop Platoniq will deliver a workshop based on their years of experience with crowdfunding and crowdvocacy.
Description (Castellano)
Description (pt)
Description (de)
Description (fi)
Description (hu)
Description (Italiano)
Description (nl)
Description (pl)
Start time
- +2020-06-25 10:00:00 UTC
End time
- +2020-06-25 14:00:00 UTC
- +barcelona
Location (English)
- +online
Location (Castellano)
Location (pt)
Location (de)
Location (fi)
Location (hu)
Location (Italiano)
Location (nl)
Location (pl)
Location hints (English)
Location hints (Castellano)
Location hints (pt)
Location hints (de)
Location hints (fi)
Location hints (hu)
Location hints (Italiano)
Location hints (nl)
Location hints (pl)
- +Community Engagement