Task Force Webinars
OH Lab Weibars
Changes at "Sunderland Task Force Webinar"
Title (English)
- +Sunderland Task Force Webinar
Title (Castellano)
Title (pt)
Title (de)
Title (fi)
Title (hu)
Title (Italiano)
Title (nl)
Title (pl)
Description (English)
This task force meeting will review the context and next steps for the Sunderland lab. So far they have three buildings that need to be reconstructed and will likely be used for socio-cultural activities.
Description (Castellano)
Description (pt)
Description (de)
Description (fi)
Description (hu)
Description (Italiano)
Description (nl)
Description (pl)
Start time
- +2020-06-23 10:00:00 UTC
End time
- +2020-06-23 13:00:00 UTC
- +sunderland
Location (English)
- +online