Manual for Administrators
How to administrate this platform (Labs)
- How to register as an Administrator
- How to create a Survey
- How to 'Text Customizer'
- How to Create a Blog
- How to Incorporate Maps on Decidim
- How to Create a Participatory Text
- New components for the landing
- Create a Process
- How to embed Twitter on your Home page
- How to Create a Meeting
- Using Navigation Maps
How to create a Survey
I) Click on ´edit´ option (top right corner):
II) Survey is a component you wish to use as part of a Process (button on the left). Please click on ´processess´ (1) and Once you choose a process, click the ´edit´ option (2) - icon on the right:
III). Since Sirvey is a component, click on ´components´ button:
IV) Click on ´Add Components´ (1) and click on ´Survey¨(2):
When you create your survey there are multiple types of ways to ask questions like short answer, multiple choice etc. One of these options is sorting. Sorting allows participants to select more than one option as a part of their answer, where as multiple choice only allows you to select one.
Also at the end of creating a survey there is a mandatory Terms of Use, in this field you can link to which has information about the use of the data submitted each participant can access.
Also please remember that the survey will not appear until you 'publish' it by clicking the check mark to publish.