Manual for Administrators
How to administrate this platform (Labs)
- How to register as an Administrator
- How to create a Survey
- How to 'Text Customizer'
- How to Create a Blog
- How to Incorporate Maps on Decidim
- How to Create a Participatory Text
- New components for the landing
- Create a Process
- How to embed Twitter on your Home page
- How to Create a Meeting
- Using Navigation Maps
How to Create a Blog
First to create a blog you first need to start a process. The blog will then be a record of that process.
When creating a process there are many fields to fill in. Only the starred fields are necessary to create a process. Anything that seems irrelevant to your needs can be ignored.
But just to be clear when creating a process here are some of what the more questionable fields mean:
Promoter group: an organization or body that is supporting the process that you want to give attention to
Organization area: the space where the process or event is being organized
Scope meta-data: scope of the meta data being used in this process (again if it’s not starred and doesn’t make sense don’t use it.
Click ‘Create’
Creating the process WILL NOT publish it to your website.
To publish click on your process, scroll down and click publish. You do not need to publish your process to begin the blog.
Second to continue with your blog you will need to click on process, the process you’re working on, and on the left panel click components
On the left side will appear a button that says ‘add components’ click on that and in the drop down menu you will see several options for your process, one of them is a blog
You did it! Now you can Title, and create your blog.
On the page you will see weight. It is not starred so there’s no need to click a value, but it refers to the level of importance or appearance on the process page. If it’s a 1 it will appear first, or two it will appear second if you have multiple components within your process.
Finally click add component to create the blog
Adding the component will not publish it to the website. You have to first make sure the process itself has been published. And then you can publish your blog by click the check mark here:
You do not have to publish to start creating posts.
You create posts by clicking on the pencil
Click ‘new post’ to get started