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Engage Audiences with a New Landing Page
It can be difficult to know where to begin when creating your landing page, especially on Decidim. Decidim is oriented around transparent and open participation. However, how each city, lab, or organization wants to communicate where and how participants can engage with a project varies!
Platoniq has created a series of new content block for Decidim homepages. Designing the homepage came after realizing that the prefabricated landing initially available by the platform was creating and extra obstacle for labs who wanted an online presence that best represented them, their aims, and aesthetics. In response to this feedback Platoniq developed content blocks to customize Decidim platform homepages. The design for the blocks was informed by the designs that labs had referenced and had used on some of their other blog sites.
The content blocks so far are as follows:
However, when creating a landing there is more to it than just text and images. When thinking about what content should be prioritized for your landing page your top considerations are communicating your value proposition and the call the action you would like visitors to engage with when first arriving to your website.
Value Proposition
What is a value proposition you are going to feature? What value propositions will your organization offer? Value propositions are what you promise to deliver or offer.
Prominent call to action
Prioritise your top 3 calls to action, the first will be used in the content above the fold:
What images best communicate your organization? Inspiration for your header
A further consideration might also be:
What are your top categories for content users to look for on your platform?
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