Open Heritage Trainings on Adaptive Reuse
Knowledge Sharing for CHIs
OpenHeritage offers a training program developed and carried out by Eutropian and Platoniq which will take place from mid-October until mid-December and will be held every 2 weeks, starting from the 19th of October 2021. This series of training modules are aimed at professionals (e.g. city officials, urbanists and other experts, as well as stakeholders from outside of the EU, or partners from other EU projects working on cultural heritage, etc.) involved with Heritage Protection and Adaptive Reuse.
The modules will cover each of the following topics: Heritage Reuse, Finance, Governance and Community Involvement, as well as Territorial Impact.
In each workshop, participants from different backgrounds and disciplines will go through and study a number of Observatory Cases, focusing on given themes for the first four workshops, and integrating all subtopics in a final, fifth, module. Each module will have an approximate duration of 2,5 hours with approximately 20 participants from a variety of countries.
Participation in the training is free of charge; but the number of are limited
OpenHeritage aims at creating sustainable models of heritage asset management. The project puts the idea of inclusive governance of cultural heritage sites together with the development of heritage communities at its centre. This means empowering the community in the processes of adaptive reuse. The project is financed by the European Union's H2020 funding scheme.
Platoniq is an organisation that develops methods and tools for open innovation and design thinking solutions based on online and offline co-creation, resource distribution, and open, modular development at a transnational and multi-stakeholder level, for needs and opportunities in the local and European contexts.
Eutropian is an organisation focusing on advocacy, research and policy to support inclusive urban processes. Its areas of expertise include specialization in urban regeneration, cultural development, community participation, local economic development and social innovation.
Conference Venues
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Module 1 - Heritage
Repurposing, reusing, and adapting heritage sites to local needs
19 October 2021
CET 16:00-19:30 led by Eutropian
Module 2 - Governance and Community
Involving different communities in participatory governance
2 November 2021
CET 16:00-19:30 led by Platoniq
Module 3 - Finance
Supporting economic sustainability of adaptive reuse projects
16 November 2021
CET 16:00-19:30 led by Platoniq
Module 4 - Territorial Impact
Territorial impact of adaptive reuse within the neighborhood
30 November 2021
CET 16:00-19:30 led by Eutropian
Module 5 - Integrated
An integrated model approach to adaptive heritage reuse
CET 14 December 2021
16:00-19:30 led by Eutropian and Platoniq
Interactive tools and methods are used throughout the modules which will also allow participants to virtually interact and network with other participants.